design patterns in react

In the world of web development, staying organized and efficient is key to success. If you’ve ever found yourself tangled in a web of messy code, you’re not alone! Many developers face this challenge, especially when using popular libraries like React. However, it’s important to be aware of React JS security risks that can arise if best practices aren’t followed.

Fortunately, React design patterns can help you structure your applications more effectively, ensuring your code is clean, maintainable, and scalable. So, let’s dive into the 10 React patterns that can transform the way you build your applications!

10 React patterns

1. Container and Presentational Components

One of the most fundamental React patterns is the separation of container and presentational components. The container components are used to control the flow of the application, responsible for getting the data and managing the state while the presentational components are used to produce the views for the application. Apart from making your code likeable this separation also makes your components more reusable and easily testable.


  • Container Component: It retrieves data from an API and transmits it downwards as props.
  • Presentational Component: Fires props and based on these props renders the UI.

This way, the changes of the UI can be made easily, without impacting on the rest of the part, which makes the code more flexible and easily maintainable.

2. Higher-Order Components (HOCs)

However, let’s justify why we need higher-order components (HOCs) which are a very effective way to share the logic in React. An HOC is a function that receives a component and returns an initial component with the addition of new prop or new functionality. This pattern proves especially convenient when working with interdisciplinary issues, such as user authorization or data retrieval.


  • An HOC can add authentication checks into a component by re wrapping it and passing the appropriate props for the authenticated user.
  • The use of HOCs can, therefore, help in minimizing the problem of code repetition and ensuring that component’s do their expected duty.

3. Render Props

Another good react design patterns is render props, where you can share the code between components via a prop which value is a function. This pattern allows you to pass a rendering function to a component and that determines what gets rendered.


  • Rendering fetched data- : A component that fetches data can use a render prop to pass the data to any child component that needs it so as to introduce flexibility in the rendering of the UI depending on the data fetched.
  • The render props pattern encourages a more declarative way of writing your components and promotes reusability.

4. Compound Components

Compound components let you define a set of components and each has its own specific job, but they’re all coupled to a shared, invisible context. This pattern can help to reduce visually intensive UIs or any complex UIs by decomposing them into elemental elements which convey.


  • A Tabs component may encompass individual Tab components that co-ordinate their activity states as a group, making state and behavior control more convenient.
  • The use of compound components is further beneficial in getting a clean and uncluttered structure going in your applications.

5. Hooks

React Hooks have become a game changer in design patterns react as they provide ways of managing state and effects into functional components. They let you use state and other parts of React without having to write a class out. There are hooks such as `useState`, `useEffect`, and `useContext`, these make it possible to encapsulate certain logic to increase the tidiness of the code.


  • Here, the `useEffect` hook can be used for side effects like fetching data when a component mounts, hence making the code more simple and easy to manage.
  • Friending Hooks in your development will not only make your components less complex but also format your code with current React standards.

6. Context API

It would be irrational to start talking about Context API without explaining what it is first Context API is a tool in React that helps deliver data through component trees; you don’t have to pass data all the way down manually by providing the prop to each level. This pattern proves most useful when dealing with the global state or applying themes to a given application.


  • This can be done by creating a Theme Context that will hold the/supply any data related to the theme and make it easily accessible to any of the nested components without resorting to passing them through each level as a prop.
  • What becomes apparent when using the Context API is that it helps you simplify state management, and thus your components become more specific and less dependent on others.

7. State Reducers

It is conceivable how state reducers can be a helpful design patterns react for handling complex state components. If you want the state to be managed internally you pass a reducer function to a component and that component controls its state by emitting actions.


  • A Dropdown component can utilize a state reducer to manage its open and closed states based on actions dispatched by user interactions.
  • This pattern encourages a more functional approach to state management, making your components easier to reason about.

8. Error Boundaries

Very importantly, error boundaries are among the tools for design patterns in react or error handling. It makes a component that will capture the JavaScript errors at any place in its child component tree, and help to deal with them without taking down the whole application.


  • An error boundary can catch errors for any of the child components and provide a fallback UI, which is way better for the user.
  • Using error boundaries helps to make the application stand stable in the event whereby various errors are detected.

9. Lazy Loading

As a loading technique, the lazy loading technique that is used is where components that are not necessary at the start of loading a website, will only be loaded when required. This can go a long way in optimising your app and it’s performance especially in terms of start up time and the amount of resources consumed.


  • Asynchronously Loading with `React.lazy()` and: `Suspense` can load the components lazily while also displaying a loading screen before the component is loaded.
  • What you can do is add lazy loading into your React application to improve the application performance and loading time.

10. Custom Hooks

It’s a great practice to have a specific hook for specific functionality and only hook into the reaction rendering process at specific points. It must be noted that by creating a hook which in fact will represent an amalgamate of several stateful logic functions you still ensure that your components remain clean and do not interfere with the rendering process.


  • An abstract hook with its functionality related to form-related inputs could provide the repeated methods for inputs’ values management, input’s validation, and submission.
  • Custom Hooks enable code reuse, and reduce the complexity focused on a particular component.

Final Thoughts

The 10 react design patterns provided in this article will provide increased quality and efficiency to your output when it comes to Reacts development. Even when you are coding a simple application or a single function, these patterns will come in handy to help improve on your coding skills as well as increase efficiency.

If you’re looking to elevate your React development game even further, consider partnering with Monarch Innovation. Their expertise in modern development practices can help you streamline your projects and achieve your goals faster. Don’t hesitate to reach out and explore how they can assist you on your development journey!

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