reactjs security

React JS has become a go-to choice for many developers and businesses when it comes to building modern web applications. As a leading React JS development service provider, we understand the importance of not only creating functional and visually appealing websites but also ensuring they are secure. In this blog post, we’ll describe eight significant security threats that web development teams with React should know and prevent in their projects.

Security Threats

1. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

Cross-site scripting is still one of the leading features of weaknesses in web applications, including those developed using React JS. XSS is a type of web attack in which an attacker inserts scripts into a website and when the target users visit the site; their browsers execute the scripts.

ReactJS developers need to be vigilant about properly sanitizing user inputs and avoiding the use of dangerous functions like `dangerouslySetInnerHTML` without proper precautions.

2. Insecure Dependencies

As with any modern React web development  framework, React applications often rely on numerous third-party packages. On the positive side, such dependencies can significantly contribute to the acceleration of development processes and the provision of a wider array of features; on the other hand, these dependencies might pose serious threats to system security if not addressed adequately.

Thus, every ReactJS development company should have a strict procedure on how the project’s dependencies are updated and audited on a consistent basis. This is done using other tools such as npm audit or Snyk in that they scan for security vulnerabilities in a dependency tree.

3. Server-Side Rendering (SSR) Vulnerabilities

Server Side Rendering is one of the techniques when it is practised in the React-based application to enhance the performance and also the SEO. This is especially the case when well-designed to avoid the use of traditional attack vectors when implemented insecurely.

In the case of the SSR, ReactJS developers in India and around the globe require paying attention to how user input is processed. Prompt input validation and the sanitization of input data on the server side as well as on the client side help to avoid injection attacks.

4. Insufficient Access Controls

React applications work alongside backend API to pull data and work on it most of the time. If timely access control measures are not put in place there is high risk involving release of sensitive information to wrong people.

Thus, strong authentication and authorization methods are crucial to be introduced. This is with emphasis on token-based authentication, client and server-based user permissions, and adequate protection of API endpoints.

5. Insecure Storage of Sensitive Data

Although React itself has no provision for storing data, many React applications store credentials in the browser storage option such as local storage or session storage. This can be a real issue if not done securely.

Any information that is considered secure, such as an authentication token or an individual’s information, should not be stored in the view layer whenever it is feasible to keep it from doing so. If, for some reason, it is crucial to make data readable outside the security limits, make sure that it is encrypted, and it is recommended to use HTTPOnly cookies for sensitive tokens.

6. Lack of HTTPS

This may sound a little obvious but there is also a need to ensure that all the React applications are served over HTTPS since this helps in protecting data in transit. This is particularly useful to applications that contain user data or personal identification or any application involving monetary transactions.

However, no matter whether you are dealing with the React Native versus React JS applications, HTTPS implementation must remain one of the most crucial factors.

7. Improper Error Handling

Despite the precision of the error message for a developer, they can reveal too much about the solution’s architecture and maybe weaknesses when deployed.

Ensure that the error messages that you display to the users of the application are informative enough and do not parade the users with internal information of your application. These apply to both client side and server side errors in your application whenever you are using React.

8. Lack of Proper AnTI-CSRF Measures

Angular Issue/Problem: Reflecting upon the Angular Issue/Problem: CSRF or Cross-Site Request Forgery is one of the most dangerous threats for any React application, particularly those that frequently use APIs. In fact, CSRF protection isn’t natively included in React, and it comes down to developers to include proper security measures.

This may involve the use of anti-CSRF tokens, checking the reliability of the requests and proper CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) practices.

Security as a Concern in the React Development

As one goes through these eight security risks, one notices that security should always be of paramount consideration in the React project. These points should be taken into consideration no matter if you are dealing with React Native vs React JS.

It is therefore important for businesses that want to establish sound and highly resilient React applications to seek the services of professional ReactJS developers who appreciate these security risks and know how to avoid them.


React Native and React JS has the features that allow for creating splendid and interactive web applications. But, it is indicated that every privilege comes hand in hand with some sort of responsibility. Thus, knowing the above-stated threats and creating the appropriate protection measures, the developers can build remarkable and performant React applications with a high level of security and reliability.

If you’re looking for a ReactJS development company that prioritises security alongside innovation and performance, look no further than Monarch Innovation. Our team of expert React developers is well-versed in the latest security best practices and can help you build secure, scalable React applications.

Don’t let security concerns hold back your next big idea. Contact Monarch Innovation today, and let’s build something amazing together – securely!

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