Augmented and Virtual Reality

Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR) is the latest and most exciting advancement in the entertainment and gaming industries. These technologies, which blend computer-generated imagery (CGI) with real-life environments to create a highly engaging user experience, are already changing the way we play games, buy products, get educated and even get medical treatment.

There is no doubt that AR/VR will continue to grow in popularity over the next decade – it’s not just a “flash in the pan”.

We are a leading Augmented Reality Development Company in India with experience of more than three years. We have developed more than 150+ AR-based applications, games & video solutions for global brands like Toyota, Vodafone, Honda, Sony Ericsson, Reebok, etc.

What is Augmented reality?

Augmented Reality (AR) is a live view of a real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics, or GPS data. It is related to a more general concept called mediated reality, in which a view of reality is modified (possibly even diminished rather than augmented) by a computer. As a result, technology functions by enhancing one’s current perception of reality. The development of AR systems began in the 1960s, with pioneering research conducted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and funding for ARPA research was approved.

  • How can you use Augmented Reality?

Augmented reality is the ability to blend the physical world with digital information. With augmented reality, you can visualize data in real-time or re-imagine places.

It’s a tool that lets brands create more engaging customer experiences and influence decision-making by providing better product knowledge at the point of purchase. It also helps businesses understand their customers better by giving them access to data that can be used for targeted marketing campaigns.

With augmented reality, companies can easily build interactive 3D models of products on their website, conduct virtual tours of properties, provide step-by-step

What is virtual reality?

Virtual reality is a three-dimensional, computer-generated environment that can be explored and interacted with. It incorporates mainly auditory and visual feedback, but other forms of sensory feedback are possible as well. In virtual reality, the real world becomes an abstraction as users become immersed in a digital world of simulations.

Virtual reality has been created for many purposes including gaming, filmmaking, and training. The development of this technology has been accelerating in recent years, especially since 2012 when Google launched Google Cardboard – thus introducing the concept to consumers for the first time – allowing anyone to use their smartphone to experience virtually anything.

  • Use of virtual reality

Virtual reality is a computer technology that replicates an environment, real or imagined, and simulates a user’s physical presence in this environment. Virtual Reality can be used to create immersive experiences that fully immerse the user by making them feel like they are actually in another place.

Gaming has been one of the biggest uses for virtual reality technology. In fact, the gaming industry is expected to invest over $4 billion dollars into virtual reality content in 2017 alone—and it’s not just about games anymore. The VR industry has expanded beyond gaming to embrace other industries such as medicine

What makes Monarch Innovation different from other AR and VR companies?

Our software developers have the ability to create 3D projects of any size. We specialize in cross-media projects and platform integrations of all kinds.

  • Apps for IOS, Android, and the Web Platforms.
  • Development of 3D graphics and dynamic content
  • 3D Environments That Are Interactive
  • Development of 3D Configuration
  • Designing User Interfaces

We provide augmented reality (AR) solutions for the following devices.

Android\sIOS \sWeb-based \sTablets Glasses with Intelligence

Our Virtual Reality Services include:

  • Generating High-Quality 3D Content
  • Virtual three-dimensional environment
  • Video Content in 360°
  • Apps for Google Cardboard
  • Game Development in Virtual Reality
  • Apps for Oculus Rift

Advantages of AR/VR

  • Immersive and Interactive User Experience
  • Tailored Content for Users
  • Highly Adaptable Environments
  • Published Content users can connect with
  • Brand Awareness
  • Removes Language Barriers
  • In-Depth Business Analytics

My company is ready to start building an Augmented or Virtual Reality App, how do we go about it?

Monarch Innovation is an AR & VR Development Company that provides complete AR & VR Services to startups and businesses looking to leverage the possibilities of augmented and virtual reality into their products in order to boost ROI quickly.

We create highly dynamic, lag-free virtual reality designs that are consistent with customer and client requirements using cutting-edge tools and tried-and-true approaches.

When it comes to AR & VR environments, we value security and user-friendly experiences above all else to provide clients with an immersive experience and insightful solutions.

To wrap up things

We are a young and vibrant Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality development company in India with experienced developers who create amazing apps for Android, iOS, Windows, and macOS. Our team members have worked on various applications including heritage sites, museums, e-learning platforms, etc. If you need any assistance regarding the services we provide or if you want us to build a custom application for your business requirements, please feel free to contact us by visiting our website or calling us today.

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