Virtual Prototyping

How Virtual Prototyping Helps Electric Vehicle Development

The automobile sector is, without a doubt, the most competitive in the world. Its operating scope is massive, as is its impact on humans and the environment. The automotive market has evolved from basic transportation equipment to highly stylish, feature-rich, reliable, and performant mobility platforms over the decades.

We are fortunate that technology is rapidly advancing to help produce solutions that solve sustainability challenges as awareness of sustainability has increased over the last decade and as we humans better comprehend our impact on the earth. Automobile manufacturers are responding to the drive for vehicle electrification by expanding their battery-powered vehicle lines and, in the case of GM, setting a goal to deliver zero-emission vehicles by 2035. As a result, a new virtual car design was created.

  • Those concerned about climate change applaud these initiatives, but electric vehicles (EVs) still have a long way to go before becoming mainstream. Worldwide electric car sales reached 2.1 million in 2019, accounting for 2.6 percent of global car sales and boosting the total stock of these vehicles to 7.2 million units, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA). While the COVID-19 outbreak is expected to affect passenger car sales, the International Energy Agency (IEA) expects that sales of electric passenger and commercial light-duty vehicles would remain stable in 2020, accounting for roughly 3% of global auto sales. Global electric car sales are expected to rise from 2.5 million in 2020 to 11.2 million in 2025 and 31.1 million in 2030, according to Deloitte. The following variables, according to Deloitte’s analysts, are causing this increase:
  • Demand from customers
  • Policies and laws of the government
  • Automobile manufacturers’ commitment to electric vehicles
  • Corporate fleets are transitioning to electric vehicles.

 Electric Vehicles development

Thanks to breakthroughs in battery technology and continual innovation, EVs now have the range and zippy performance that most drivers desire for daily commutes. Behind the scenes, however, these developments require a high level of engineering expertise, as well as modern design tools and resources. Let’s look at how electronic design automation (EDA) techniques can assist speed up Electric Vehicles Development while still achieving the desired results. According to Deloitte, the total sales of electric vehicles is likely to hit 11.2 million by 2025. In 2020, it was 2.5 million.

Early Detection of Design and Software Issues

The automakers of EV Virtual Prototyping must achieve the appropriate mix between performance, driving range, cost, and efficiency when designing EVs. They must also deal with the difficulties given by the severe operating environment of vehicles, as well as the interplay of electrical and mechanical components in this environment. For increased economy, many OEMs have chosen to use more hardware and software to provide intelligence to their vehicles, as well as fewer electromechanical elements.

The development of electronic systems to support electric vehicles has thrown up new issues in the areas of hardware design, software development, EV Chargers, and system testing. Early design space exploration, electrical component selection, software development, and integration complexity, functional safety testing, and prototyping cost are all important factors.

Bench testing has always been used by car designers to validate electronic systems. However, test benches are expensive, and fault injection without destroying the hardware is nearly impossible.

Electronic Vehicles with the help of virtual prototyping enable validating the entire electronic system without depending on physical hardware.  Moreover, in this work from home culture, virtual prototyping enables easy testing from anywhere across the world.

Electric Vehicles Development in One Place

We announced a comprehensive, multi-discipline EV virtual prototyping solution last summer that allows designers to examine design choices, weigh trade-offs, develop embedded software, and complete many stages of verification before manufacturing any hardware. The unified solution caters to the unique needs of electric vehicle design, such as:

  • Power electronics, battery systems, microcontrollers, and AUTOSAR components are all represented in EV model libraries.
  • For a detailed examination, a multi-level rapid simulation, from abstract to high-fidelity, is used.
  • Support functional safety, hardware and software debug, variation analysis, coverage analysis, and calibration design duties by debugging, analyzing, and testing functionality
  • Support for the Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) and other application programming interfaces (APIs) enabling integration into other automotive flows and tools (FMI)

EV virtual prototyping solution comprises of the following components:

  • VirtualizerTM and Virtualizer Development Kits (SDKs) are tools for creating, distributing and using virtual hardware prototypes.
  • For effective development of engine control unit (ECU) software, the Silver virtual ECU platform brings development activities from road and test rigs to a Windows® PC.
  • TestWeaver® is an intelligent test automation tool that produces and runs system tests with minimal specification effort to discover mistakes and maximize test coverage.
  • SaberRD and SaberEXP are integrated environments for virtualizing and optimizing power electronic and mechatronic systems.

Our electric vehicle virtual prototyping solution allows a diverse group of development and test engineers to focus on areas such as controls systems, application software, firmware, power electronics, battery system management, motor drive, reliability, functional safety, calibration, and system/software integration, resulting in improved product quality and performance as well as lower development and maintenance costs.

To save time and reduce iterations, virtual prototyping can be utilized as a part of a shift-left strategy, which entails relocating the design and verification process earlier in the process. Furthermore, by prototyping online, designers can test faults and corner cases that would be harmful or impossible to achieve with hardware. Synopsys’ Triple-Shift Left process entails creating a virtual prototype alongside ECU development, using automotive-grade IP to execute specified functionalities on silicon, and doing early and comprehensive automotive software testing. Triple-Shift Left’s purpose is to transform the traditional serial automotive development process into a parallel one, saving time and money while optimizing the system from the start for functional safety, security, and dependability.


With EDA techniques like virtual prototyping, designing the electronic systems of electric vehicles can be a lot easier and faster. That’s great news for designers who are seeking to make a name for themselves.

Are you looking for virtual prototyping and designing solutions for your electronic vehicles? Check out us as we have already served the industry for a decade. Feel free to contact us with an inquiry.



EV chargers

Everything to Know About Electric Car Chargers

There was a time when only petrol or diesel was the fuel for any vehicle. But now, with the introduction of Electric vehicles, we need electricity to charge them. That’s why we need an Electric car Charger. In simple words, these are the equipment or medium to charge your electric car. They provide a source of energy to recharge the battery of your car.

There are various types of EV chargers present. There are low-power AC and high-power chargers DC available to meet the different needs of different EVs. You can charge your EV at home, in commercial places, or in public charging stations.

How to use Electric car Chargers?

You have the option of charging your vehicle at home or at a public charging station. However, the charging method is identical for both chargers. You may use a socket or a wall box charger at home. This is something we’ll go over in more detail later in this post. Let’s speak about how to utilize an EV Charger now-

  • First, turn off your EV before plugging it in for charging. This allows the battery to charge more quickly.
  • Open the charging connector area now.
  • After that, remove the charger’s plug and attach it to the EV.
  • That’s all, now wait until your car is fully charged.

Where can you find an electric car charger to charge your EV cars?

Initially, when electric cars were introduced, EV owners needed to visit stations to charge their cars. But as time passes and with more innovation, now we can even install an EV charger at home. Yes, it is as easy as charging your mobile phone or laptop. You just need to plug in the socket and charge your EVs. The following are some places where you can find a car charger-

  • EV Chargers at Residential areas (Home/apartments/colonies)

As we told you earlier, nowadays you can easily install an EV charger at home. There are two types of home charging, Level 1 and Level 2. For better response, it is recommended to use a Level 2 charger. We will discuss this in further sections. With the installation of home chargers, it becomes convenient for one to charge their EV.

  • EV chargers at Offices/Workplace

Car chargers are also available at offices/workplaces. These are like an electric chargers at home. This facility is offered by an employer to its employees so that they can charge their EVs easily. You can find the chargers mostly at parking lots with Level 2 chargers for fast charging. As an employee, it will be beneficial to have a charging point at your workplace.

  • EV chargers at public places

You can often find charging stations at public places or nearby roads. These are helpful when you must travel a long distance and need to recharge your EV. You can spot them at places like parking spots, parks, restaurants, malls, and other such places. You find chargers of Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 at these public charging stations. It is easy to find an EV Charging station through maps.

How to use Electric car chargers at Home?

You have two options for charging an electric car at home- utilize a regular outlet or install a home charger for electric cars. For charging through a regular outlet, you need to have a 3-pin plug. For fast charging, you must install an electric charger for your EV. Let us tell you how to use both these options.

Using Three-pin regular outlet to charge EV (Level 1)

It is simple to use a regular outlet, you just must pull out the EV socket and plug it into the outlet. You can have a fully charged EV in 9-10 hours. Though this method is easy, it takes a lot of time to charge your car. All-electric vehicles come with a Level 1 (110V) home connector kit. This device enables you to connect your EV to a regular socket.

Using a Wall box charger for an electric car (Level 2)

You can install a wall box charger for quick and easy charging. Installers who are competent to install these chargers can do so. You may choose whether you want to be tethered or untethered. The box is attached to the tethered charging wire, but not to the untethered one. In both cases charging is easy. You just need to locate the car’s socket and plug it in the cable.

Types of Electric Car Chargers

Now, as you know how to use EV chargers, you must know that there are a variety of electric car charger plugs. You will be fascinated to know that all have different speeds and capabilities. Understanding the types of EV chargers will help you to know the best one for your Electric Vehicle. You can find different types of car chargers at different places like at home, apartments, offices, public places, and many more.

There are mainly three types of EV chargers available

  1. Level 1 EV Chargers
  2. Level 2 EV Chargers
  3. Level 3 EV Chargers

Level 1 EV Car Charger (120V)

Level 1 EV Charger Level 1 is the most basic sort of EV charger. It is just a standard wall outlet charger. Level 1 chargers might take up to 24 hours to completely charge an electric vehicle. These chargers are frequently found in regular home outlets. The following are the characteristics of a Level 1 charger-

  • These EV Chargers are portable and versatile.
  • It is less expensive since the installation costs are less.
  • They connect into a 120V AC Charger.
  • It takes 9-10 hours or overnight to completely charge your vehicle.
  • Typically, they are acceptable for use as a home charger.
  • Level 1 chargers will not significantly raise your monthly power cost.

Level 2 EV Car Charger (240V)

Level 2 EV Charger

In both business and household settings, Level 2 EV Chargers are employed. Public Level 2 chargers use a standard EV connection socket that matches all recent automobiles, except Tesla. These chargers need a proper installation by a qualified electrician. These chargers take less time in charging in comparison with Level 1 Chargers. The following are some features of a Level 2 Charger-

  • The charger uses a 240V plug for home and a 280V plug for commercial uses.
  • Chargers have a high initial and ongoing cost of installation and maintenance.
  • A fully charged automobile battery takes about 5-6 hours on a Level 2 charger.
  • These chargers may also be used in connection with a solar panel installation.

Level 3 EV Car Charger

Level 3 EV Charger

Level 3 chargers are also known as DC fast chargers. The installation and maintenance of DC chargers required high specialization. These Level 3 Chargers are unable to charge all-electric vehicles. Typically, these chargers are only present in public areas. The DC chargers use 2 different types of plugs which we will discuss in the coming section.  The following are some characteristics of a Level 3 EV Charger-

  • A 480V direct current (DC) plug is used in DC rapid chargers.
  • DC charger installation is expensive, and not everyone can afford it.
  • In cold conditions, these chargers slow down the charging process.
  • These chargers are lightning quick and can charge your electric vehicle in under one hour.
  • DC fast chargers are beneficial for long trips.

Home Electric Car Chargers

Most of the electric car charging takes place at home. Mostly, EV users charge their vehicles at home. Charging at home is simple and convenient. Let us look at how having a home car charger is beneficial.

Pros of Home Charger for Electric car

Having a Home EV charger is so beneficial for you. To avail of most benefits, use the Level 2 charger for your home. The following are some advantages of having a car charging point at home-

  • Get a fully charged battery in a few hours-

Using a Level 2 charger will help you recharge your EV battery quickly. It will take like 5-6 hours to charge a 30-kWh battery car.

  • Minimize your cost –

Recharging your EV from public stations regularly can be costly. You can install home electric chargers at a low or negligible cost. All you need is a small initial investment for installing chargers and enjoying them later.

  • Get a Fully charged EV every morning-

You can charge your EV with home chargers in the evenings and nights. When you go home from work, simply plug your charger into your electric car, and you’ll have a completely charged battery the next morning.

  • Make EV charging easy and portable-

Charging electric vehicles at home has never been easier or more pleasant. The range of an electric vehicle is usually sufficient for all your everyday driving, so you won’t need to stop at public charging stations. While you dine, play with the kids, watch TV, or sleep at home, your electric car charges.

EV Charger Components Supplier Company

Now, we hope you know which type of EV charger you want for your car.  This is the time to tell you some Electric car Charger Component Suppliers. This list will help you to pick the supplier that provides your favorite EV Charger. The following is the list of EV Charger component supplier companies-

Meanwell – For more than three decades, MEAN WELL has been developing, manufacturing, and distributing standard power supply devices. They develop over 9,000 models of standard power supply products (AC/DC).

Siemens – Siemens is one of the leading electrical equipment manufacturing industries in the world. The company provides various charger components such as DC power for charging, power metering, DC/AC Charger module.

CHINT – CHINT is a smart energy solution supplier with a global reputation. CHINT was founded in 1984. The company has expanded in more than 14o countries and employs more than 30,000 people.

Crown Battery – Crown Battery is a privately held company with headquarters and manufacture in Fremont, Ohio. They have more than 14 sales and distribution offices.  The company is a leading manufacturer of batteries.


Understanding electric chargers are necessary to charge your EVs properly. With proper understanding, you can understand what type of charger you want. Also, as the demand for EV increases, the demand for EV Chargers is increasing. Hence it becomes more important for you to pick the best car charger for your EV. We like to enlighten you that Monarch innovation is a leading engineering company. They can provide you with EV Chargers designs as per your need. You can contact them in case of any query related to an EV Charger.

electric car plugs

An Insight on Different Types of Electric Car Plugs For Charging Station Connection

The adoption of electric and hybrid cars and trucks is increasing, and as more and more people start using them, there will be a greater need for places to charge these vehicles. Since each company has its own different plug connection standard, your purchase or lease might restrict where you can charge at one location. But every home has the necessary equipment to recharge its vehicle. This article will discuss the various charging station connections available and how we think we may be able to move into a future without electric car plugs at all! There are many electric cars on the market, and they all use different types of electric car plugs for charging connections. Find out in this infographic whether you need a Type 2 plug, a CHAdeMO connector, or a CCS Combo Standards connector.

Types of Electric Car Plugs are Available in a Variety of Shapes and Sizes

As an EV owner, comprehending the various electric car plugs can assist you in determining how and where you can charge your vehicle. Recognizing the car charging plug variations can also help you accommodate all your EV driving visitors if you’re a business owner or facility manager regarding investing in EV charging stations. There are 2 kinds of AC vehicle-side connections, which are often utilized for upper charging at home, work, and destinations.

Types of AC Connectors

TYPE 1 3.7kW 7kW 12.5 miles 25 miles 5-pins Standard US connector No locking mechanism Single-phase only
TYPE 2 3.7kW 7kW 22kW (three-phase) * 12.5 miles 25 miles 75 miles 7-pins By far the most common connector on new cars Inbuilt locking mechanism Can carry three-phase power

Types of DC Connectors

There are 3 types of DC car-side connections that are often used for en-route quick charging. All DC quick charging stations will have cables with both a CHAdeMO and a CCS connection attached, so you may select which one matches your car plug. Fast chargers do not charge at their full rated power all the time to safeguard the cell.

DC connector type Typical Power Ratings Approx range per 30 mins charging* Features
CHAdeMO 50kW 100kW 75 miles 150 miles Original DC connector
Combined Charging System (CCS) 50kW 150kW** 350kW*** 75 miles 225 miles 525 miles High power Neat arrangement with 2 x ‘Type 2’ pins Likely to become the most popular DC standard
Type 2 150kW 250kW**** 225 miles 375 miles Only Tesla Superchargers provide DC via a Type 2 connector


There’s no necessity to be worried about multiple Electric car plugs for charging connector types if you’re interested in charging your electric car at home. Every charging equipment in your market will have the same manufacturing connector as your electric vehicle.

If you are looking for designing and developing an electric car plug charger then reach out at Monarch Innovation today!

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