Advantages of Using Rapid Prototyping Services for Your Business

Rapid prototyping is the fast fabrication of a physical part, model or assembly using 3D computer-aided design (CAD), the creation of the part is usually done by using additive manufacturing more commonly known as 3D printing

Where the design closely matches the proposed finished product, it is said to be high fidelity prototype as opposed to low low-fidelity prototype, where there is a marked difference between the prototype and the final product. It can be used at any stage of the product development cycle for any components or sub-components, which can be repeated numerous times during the product design process

Benefits of rapid prototyping

Prototyping is an essential element of the design and engineering process. Traditionally, though, it has created challenges as design teams strive to create makeshift models that provide a valid basis for a particular concept. This has, in the past, required nearly the same processes, costs, tooling and setup as the final product, making prototypes a prohibitive venture for many businesses. Rapid prototyping, in contrast, offers many advantages and applications that set it apart from traditional prototyping.

  • Communicate design decisions better. In comparison to a static specification, a prototype is much easier to understand. It’s also much easier to get feedback on design decisions if everyone can see how things might work with their own eyes. This is the best way to ensure everyone shares a common understanding of how the upcoming product should look and behave.
  • Save time by writing less documentation. Developers can use prototypes to understand how things work. Even when engineering need documentation for specific user flows or interactions, designers will need to write much less description text for a prototype than for a set of wireframes.
  • Allows for experimentation. Rapid prototyping helps teams experiment with multiple approaches and ideas. It facilitates discussion through visuals — presenting information in a visual format is the fastest way to get them to engage with that information. This leads to better, faster design.

3D Printing

3D printing uses computer-aided design (CAD) to create three-dimensional objects through a layering method. Sometimes referred to as additive manufacturing, 3D printing involves layering materials like plastics, composites or bio-materials to create objects that range in shape, size, rigidity and Color.

3D printing uses

  • Rapid prototyping and rapid manufacturing

3D printing provides companies with a low-risk, low-cost and fast method of producing prototypes that allow them to test a new product’s efficiency and ramp up development without the need for expensive models or proprietary tools.

Taken a step further, companies across many industries will also utilize 3D printing for rapid manufacturing, allowing them to save costs when producing small batches or short runs of custom manufacturing.

  • Functional parts

3D printing has gotten more functional and precise over time, making it possible for proprietary or inaccessible parts to be created and acquired so a product can be produced on schedule. Additionally, machines and devices wear down over time and may be in need of swift repair, which 3D printing produces an easily accessible solution to.

  • Tools

Like functional parts, tools also wear down over time and may become inaccessible, obsolete or expensive to replace. 3D printing allows tools to be easily produced and replaced for multiple applications with high durability and reusability.

  • Models

While 3D printing may not be able to replace all forms of manufacturing, it does present an inexpensive solution to producing models for visualizing concepts in 3D. From consumer product visualizations to architectural models, medical models and educational tools. As 3D printing costs fall and continue to become more accessible, 3D printing is opening new doors for modelling applications.

Product design services

Product design means a lot more than what the name implies. Designing a new idea or invention is not merely about its physical form; it involves problem-solving to improve the quality of a new or existing product and enhance the end-user experience.

Some Product Design Services

  • Ergonomics: During this process, we study how the intended users interact with your design to ensure the product works the way it is meant to.  The user should not have to adjust to the product, the design must be effortless to use, often improving safety, efficiency, and comfort along the way.
  • Aesthetics and Styling: The aesthetics are all about the way your design looks and are largely responsible for how a new product design captures the market. During this stage of product design, we optimize a product’s appearance through sketching, 3D Modeling, prototyping, and computer surface modelling continually refining the product’s aesthetics to appeal to the target market without sacrificing its functionality.
  • Computer-Aided Design and Mechanical Design: The product design team is involved throughout the entire process to ensure your concepts are possible in both their function and manufacturability. We use sophisticated software to create highly accurate models and assembly parts that can be used for testing the integrity of the product.


Deciding on whether to rapid prototyping services in your manufacturing process depends on your business needs. It all depends on what kind of prototyping you need. For simple projects, it can do well, but for more complex and larger projects, you can try other options. Monarch Innovation is a leading design and engineering company in India with very dedicated minds and design solutions. If you are looking for 3D modelling services or product design then contact us here.

What Is Iterative Design and How Does It Work?

What Is Iterative Design and How Does It Work?

Iterative design is a design methodology based on a cyclic process of prototyping, testing, analysing, and refining a product or process. Based on the results of testing the most recent iteration of a design, changes and refinements are made. This process is intended to ultimately improve the quality and functionality of a design. In iterative design, interaction with the designed system is used as a form of research for informing and evolving a project, as successive versions, or iterations of a design are implemented.

Iterative design can be used at any phase of the design process, including when the product has already been launched in the market and you are looking to create improvements in that product. However, it’s worth noting that the earlier in a product’s lifecycle that you implement iterative design, the more cost-effective the approach will be.

Iterative design process

The goal of iteration is to get closer to the answer, solution, or discovery with each repetition. The concept and the solution eventually converge, such as in a math function or a scientific discovery, because you progress toward your desired result each time you iterate or tweak the product.

The iterative process is widespread across many industries. Most Agile projects use an iterative approach, incrementally improving the product with each cycle or sprint. The end of one iteration becomes the starting point for the next round.

For example, think of Microsoft or Apple products. Using an iterative approach, these products are regularly updated with new features or benefits, minus some of the problems of previous editions. Even writers, musicians, and cooks use the iterative process to refine their creative work.

You can also use the iterative process when the final output or decision cannot be easily revoked (such as a jury verdict when many votes have to be taken to reach an agreement) or if the consequences of revoking the outcome could be emotionally and financially costly (such as a marriage) or have long-term implications (such as war).

Several instances of iterative design are as follows:

  • Wiki: A wiki is a natural repository for iterative design. The ‘Page History’ facility allows tracking back to prior versions. Modifications are mostly incremental, and leave substantial parts of the text unchanged.
  • Common law: The principle of legal precedent builds on experience. This makes law a form of iterative design where there should be a clear audit trail of the development of legal thought.
  • Evolution: There is a parallel between iterative and the theory of natural Selection. Both involve a trial and error process in which the most suitable design advances to the next generation, while less suitable designs perish by the wayside. Subsequent versions of a product should also get progressively better as its producers learn what works and what doesn’t in a process of refinement and continual improvement.

Iterative Design Pattern

This is the initial concept. An idea has led to a design for a new product. The quality of this first design is not critically important because of the other steps in the process. It merely serves as a starting point regardless of how similar or different it is to the eventual result.


There are only so many aspects of a product that can be observed accurately without a physical model. This is where prototyping comes in. Preferences tend to vary when it comes to prototyping. Rapid prototyping offers plenty of advantages, but other methods have unique benefits as well.


Assuming that the concept has already been proven, everything else about the prototype is dissected. What could be different? What could be better? Does something need to be added or removed? Is it free of hazards that could harm the end-user? All of these questions and more are useful at this stage.


After an initial cycle of CAD design, prototyping, and evaluating, it’s time to take the observations from the evaluation stage and return to the design stage. Changes are made to the design, which leads to new prototypes, and these new prototypes need their evaluations.

Rapid prototyping

It is an analogy for proof of concept, the process of quickly creating the future state of a product, be it a website or an app, validating it with a group of users, stakeholders, developers and other designers.

The ‘rapid ’ part of the prototyping implies that this type of prototyping is quicker and cheaper than creating a full-blown version of your idea in code, the whole concept is based on setting an idea for the design team and iterating rapidly, which will provide the people a product which can be utilized to its maximum limit.

The process of rapid prototyping can be present in three stage :

  • Prototyping

Creating a solution which can be reviewed or tested

  • Reviewing

Giving prototype to users or stakeholders and gather their feedback , which helps you understand it better

  • Refining

Based on the feedback that is received , identify the area which need to be refined or clarified

Product Design Service

Product design services providers allow businesses to outsource product development to an external team of experienced designers and engineers. Companies that offer product design services are capable of handling the entire product lifecycle, from ideation to manufacture. Product design companies employ industrial designers, user experience professionals, and engineers to cover every step of the product design process.


Deciding on whether to rapid prototyping services in your manufacturing process depends on your business needs. It all depends on what kind of prototyping you need. Simple projects it can do well, but for more complex and larger projects. Monarch Innovation is a leading design and engineering company in India with very dedicated minds and design solutions. If you are looking for 3D modelling services, product design then contact us here.

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