Inventor Sharp Corner Remover


“Sharp Corner Remover” remove all the sharp corners Sheet metal parts. A small fillet is needed to avoid the injuries to the equipment users. For large assemblies and complex parts, it’s difficult to give fillet to each and every edge.

Additional information

Current Version


Operating System

Windows 64

Last Updated


Release Date




Download Size

14.3 MB

Compatible With

Autodesk Inventor (Version: 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013)
Autodesk Inventor Professional (Version: 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013)

Customer Support





Configure the Tool with licesing


For selecting only external corners


For selecting all corners


“Sharp Corner Remover” remove all the sharp corners Sheet metal parts. A small fillet is needed to avoid the injuries to the equipment users. For large assemblies and complex parts, it’s difficult to give fillet to each and every edge.
“Sharp Corner Remover” remove all the sharp corners Sheet metal parts. A small fillet is needed to avoid the injuries to the equipment users. For large assemblies and complex parts, it’s difficult to give fillet to each and every edge.
“Sharp Corner Remover” remove all the sharp corners Sheet metal parts. A small fillet is needed to avoid the injuries to the equipment users. For large assemblies and complex parts, it’s difficult to give fillet to each and every edge.
User can configure the application using “Configure” button on main window.
When user click on the button “Remove Corners”, it will select the external edges and launches the UI to set radius. User can set the radius needed for fillet. Important aspect of the addin is that it distinguishes the internal edges with external edges. And only enables external edges to set the fillet.

Version History

1.4.0 16-Feb-2017 – Added support for inventor 2017.
1.0.0 06-Nov-2015 – Initial Version


license activator 2.3.0

Application Name  has 7 days trial license. For complete license user needs to get license key

On the first launch of Application Name, The license window will pop up. On main screen user can select appropriate options as shown in following figure.

User has to fill all the details and send to “”. User can also click “Send Mail” to request for the license.
Once request is made and license key is received, user can select “Activate license with license key” and go to next panel.
License RegKey
Licence activator
In this panel user has to enter the received license key and press “Activate” button. This will activate the complete license.

NOTE: The installation of the product requires the administrator privileges. Same privileges are necessary for managing the license.


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